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2022, UX Strategy, Montreal


UX Strategy

User Flows


User Interface




Vsign is a web-enabled video conferencing platform with built-in e-signature for financial agreements.

The challenges included the prevalent reliance on physical bank visits due to security concerns and perceived inflexibility in alternative methods. The chosen solution involved introducing an integrated dashboard for bank advisors, streamlining financial file management and meeting creation, resulting in a more efficient and user-friendly experience. 


May 2022 - Aug 2022

Role: Research, Information architecture, UX/UI design, Prototype



I initiated the project by understanding stakeholders, conducting a heuristic analysis, and realizing the need for deeper insights through market research and user interviews.

Market Research

Based on the analysis of leading e-signature platforms like DocuSign, Adobe Sign, HelloSign, and OneSpan Sign, our e-signature platform should prioritize user-friendly customization for businesses of all sizes, seamless integrations, affordability, advanced security features, and mobile accessibility.

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User Research:

We have two types of users: bank advisors and clients. I've developed individual user personas through brainstorming and analysis to understand their specific needs and identify the root causes of any issues they may encounter.



This table outlines the priority levels, corresponding user goals, features, and metrics for a comprehensive understanding of the design and development focus.

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Priority 1 includes goals related to efficient document management, secure remote signing, and quick and easy contract signing.

Priority 2 encompasses features like enhanced identity proofing, recreating face-to-face meetings digitally, providing a client engagement channel, and capturing electronic evidence. Associated metrics measure the success and efficiency of each priority level and goal.

Entity relationship diagram (ERD)

Knowing the problems and potential features we desired for Vsign, during the design process, I iterated and crafted a comprehensive sitemap. This information architecture, represented through an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), delineates the product into two primary segments: bank advisors and clients.

Bank advisors - the ERD encapsulates an employee login, financial management dashboard, and an all-in-one e-sign document system. This includes features such as creating meetings, uploading banking documents, sending invitations, conducting ID validation, and participating in meetings.

Clients - the ERD outlines a user-friendly experience with features like logging in, accessing a meeting list, joining meetings, signing e-documents, and downloading e-sign approvals. This structured approach enhances the overall usability and efficiency of Vsign.

Information Architecture





How Might We simplify the platform for bank advisors to handle financial files and create meetings effortlessly?

User Story:

As a bank advisor, I need a centralized platform for streamlined financial file management and meeting creation.

Pain Points:

  1. Fragmented processes for document and meeting management.

  2. Overwhelmed advisors due to complex interfaces.

Solution: Integrated Financial Dashboard

I settled down with the" All-in-one" dashboard, Because :

  • Increased Efficiency

  • Enhanced Security

  • Improved Time Management


How Might We implement secure remote signing processes for high-value agreements, addressing identity-proofing concerns?

User Story:

As a bank advisor, I want a secure platform for remote signing to instill confidence in clients.

Pain Points:

  1. Security concerns in remote signing.

  2. Lack of robust identity proofing leading to fraud risks.

Solution: ID Verification

Enhanced identity proofing through various authentication methods, reducing fraud risks.


How Might We: Create a seamless digital channel for clients to engage in quick online contract signing?

User Story:

As a client, I want to sign contracts quickly online, ensuring a hassle-free experience.

Pain Points:

  1. Cumbersome online signing processes.

  2. Lack of user-friendly digital channels.

Solution: Face-to-face meeting

Recreated face-to-face meetings digitally, providing an engaging channel for quick contract signing.

Complete legally binding agreements that would otherwise require in-person contact. Review documents with your bank advisor and clarify agreement terms and conditions in real-time to reduce missing and incorrect information in account applications and forms.


How might we provide reliable legal proof for virtual sessions and agreements, ensuring accountability?

User Story:

As a client, I want electronic evidence for virtual sessions, ensuring legal proof and transparency in the agreement process.

Pain Points:

  1. Lack of reliable legal proof for virtual sessions.

  2. Incomplete tracking leading to potential disputes.

Solution: Providing Electronic Evidence for Secure Sessions

Providing electronic evidence by capturing every action related to virtual sessions in a client trail, ensuring a transparent and legally sound process.

Pros for Chosen Solution:

  • Reliable legal proof for virtual sessions, enhancing overall security.

  • Enhanced transparency and accountability through a comprehensive client trial.

  • Assurance for both parties in the legality and authenticity of the electronic evidence captured.


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I found the Vsign project to be both enjoyable and challenging for several reasons.

  1. The diverse range of users, includes bank advisors, clients, and stakeholders. Balancing the needs of these distinct users required careful consideration, emphasizing the importance of adaptability and a user-centered approach.

  2. Navigating legacy system constraints added a layer of complexity, demanding creative problem-solving within existing development and security parameters. Striking a harmonious balance between innovation, compatibility, and security remained a constant focus.

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